Table of Contents
On this International Women’s Day, we're celebrating inspired inclusion. Amidst the clamour of progress and empowerment, let us shine a spotlight on a cohort of unsung heroes: mothers with young children. As the world celebrates the achievements of women across all spheres. It's essential to recognise the unparalleled strength, resilience, and love exhibited by these super mums in nurturing the next generation. Join us as we delve into the unique challenges, triumphs, and invaluable contributions of mothers navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood in 2024.
Modern Motherhood v Traditional Motherhood
In today's fast-paced world, motherhood presents a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities. From sleepless nights to tender moments, the journey of motherhood is a rollercoaster ride unlike any other! Balancing career aspirations, household chores, and the endless demands of childcare often leave mums feeling stretched thin and overwhelmed. If this is you then you may like to read a blog I wrote called Your Health is Your Wealth. Amidst the chaos, there lies an undeniable sense of fulfillment in witnessing the growth and development of their little ones.
Honouring Generational Wisdom
As we celebrate International Women's Day 2024, let us pay homage to the wisdom and guidance passed down through generations of mothers. In honouring the teachings of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, we acknowledge the invaluable legacy of strength, resilience, and wisdom that continues to shape our lives. By embracing the lessons of the past. We gain a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who came before us and find inspiration in their enduring spirit.
4 Generations of Women
The above cherished photo captures a moment on Mother’s Day 2016. Celebrating four generations of remarkable women: my Nanna, aged 97, my beloved Mum, young Em at 9 years old, and myself. Sadly, later that year, we bid farewell to my Nanna. Reflecting on the journey of women through time, I'm humbled by the strides we've made. My Nanna's story echoes a bygone era—leaving school to help in her parents' grocery store on Oxford Street in Leederville. Then embracing the role of a homemaker after marrying my Pop and raising eight children! My Nanna never learnt to drive and was a mum and care-giver. Meanwhile, my Mum's path diverged at 15, compelled by societal norms to forgo further education in pursuit of employment. She pursued a commercial course, mastering typing, shorthand, and bookkeeping, after all her family and friends talked her out of Nursing. Her concerns about "being left on the shelf" led her to marry my Dad at 21. Her career paused with motherhood at 25, a common occurrence for women of her time. In fact she was actually "lucky" her employer didn't ask her to leave once she was married, as was the case for my mother-in-law. Contrastingly, I had the privilege of navigating a different narrative. I traversed the educational landscape from school to university and post-graduate studies—a first person on both sides of my extended family. Unlike the constraints faced by my predecessors, I was encouraged to pursue my education and career. Even during my tenure in London, my employer mandated a minimum of two weeks' maternity leave, a stark deviation from past norms. The launch of Bubbaroo coincided with the news of my second pregnancy. Leaving no room for conventional maternity leave and where the challenges of navigating a work-life balance initially arose.
Navigating Work-Life Balance
For many mothers, achieving a harmonious work-life balance remains an ongoing challenge. The pressure to excel in both professional and maternal roles can be overwhelming. Often leading to feelings of guilt and self-doubt. It may also be necessary to return to work due to financial pressure resulting from the ever increasing cost of living.
Australia's Gender Equality

Australia has made significant progress with gender equality, however the gender gaps in the Australian workforce still remains according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). The WGEA released its Gender Pay Gap Analysis Report (2022-2023) recently to shine a spotlight on gender equality. Since 1969 (the year my Mum and Dad married) it has been illegal to pay two people performing the same role differently! Workplace gender equality requires:
- Workplaces to provide equal pay for work of equal or "comparable value"
- Removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workforce
- Access to all occupations and industries, including leadership roles, regardless of gender; and
- Elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender, particularly in relation to family and caring responsibilities.
The Future
Today, I witness my daughter's horizon brimming with possibilities, a testament to the progress we've made. My daughter's goal is to one day be CEO of the Australian Football League (AFL) - she certainly lover her footy! Interestingly, the AFL's reportable median pay gap is zero per the WGEA. Search the 2022-2023 Gender Pay Gap report by employer. No matter what, I'll be there by her side supporting her. I have also raised my son to treat women with respect and as equals and this I feel is our role as mums to support, nurture and instil values of inclusivity, respect and kindness.

I ponder how different life might have been for my Nanna and Mum in another era. Gratitude fills my heart for my Mum's sacrifices, unwavering support, and encouragement in my pursuit of education and career. Also the partnership with my husband, who champions my professional aspirations and shares the joys of parenthood with me 💜