50 and fabulous

Fifty and Fabulous - age is just a number!

Table of Contents

Fifty and Fabulous - age is just a number after all! I was very undecided as to whether I wanted to celebrate turning 50 after so much tragedy in the past 12 months. In the end, I decided I want to live my best life for all those taken far too early. I wanted to celebrate this milestone with my family and friends. Below is my speech from my 50th birthday party.

My Speech

"Friends and family, thank you all for being here to celebrate my 50th birthday! I am so very grateful to each one of you for playing a special role in my life. As I reflect on my first 50 years it’s like a freight train riding an ongoing roller-coaster. When I was a teenager I used to think that by the time I’m 26 I would have nailed it and be at just the right age. WOW how seriously wrong was I? Life is a constant journey of highs, lows, joy, grief, dips, twists and turns. So many mistakes and lessons learned along the way.

I’ve borrowed an idea from the great Mr Bean when he delivered his 2022 XXXX Valedictory speech because his three R's of relationships, rowing, and reading resonated with me.


First up, relationships. As I look around tonight, I see so many amazing people who have touched my life in countless ways. Some of you are very new friends from foreign lands, some old friends from all walks of life. I’m one very lucky lady! To my family – Shane my soul mate! For those of you who were at my 40th may remember how spoke about kissing a couple of nasty toads before I met Shane. I can’t express how grateful I am to be doing life with you. We’ve certainly had bumps along the road but we just work.

Most of you know I’m mama to Jacob and Emily. I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by since each of you was born. You are my greatest achievement and I’m so proud of your kindness, compassion, empathy, and generosity. Whilst I’ve struggled a little to let go as you’ve transitioned into young adults, I promise I’ll get there. When we were recently in Bali together, we had such an amazing time. Vastly different from the last time we were in Bali with the XXXX's when Em was 3 and Jacob 5! I’m really looking forward to our trip to Europe later this year.

50 and fabulous speeches

Mum and Dad who "borned me". To use a phrase of 2 year old Jacob who would ask everyone who “borned you”). I’m incredibly grateful for the sacrifices you have made to give me opportunities that you never had. My sister Danielle and I are only 19 months apart and have been very close our entire lives, know that I will always have your back. My brother Jarrad who is in Melbourne and can’t be here tonight – I love you. To all my inlaws – Ian and Carol, Matt & Gina, Murray and Terese thank you so much for treating me like a daughter and sister and being there for me over the years.

My sister and me celebrating my 50th birthday

To my former AA colleagues Martina, Junks and JB and Denise a number of you have been present in my life for many of the milestone moments. My PG mums, XXXX Primary School crew, XXXX Jacob's high school crew thanks for being there over the years of our kids growing up. XXXX's Em's high school parents who are very new in my life – I get a good feeling we will have some good times together over the next few years. To my Pink Ladies that I row with at least once a week and keep me sane and connected. Unfortunately, my school friends couldn’t be here tonight but we will celebrate our 50th's together with a weekend away. Then my friends from London days and our 7-month sojourn in Italy – I look forward to catching up in later in the year. Hey it is the festival of 50!!

One thing many of you don’t probably know about me is that I wasn’t very good at sports growing up. In fact, the one and only after-school detention I ever had was when my friend Miquelle and I decided to walk to the shops whilst the house Athletics carnival was going on. Over the years since having kids I’ve dabbled in a number of sports, competing in triathlons, running the City to Surf a number of times, HBF Run for a Reason, the 100km Oxfam trail walk without sleep, pilates and yoga.


Then one day whilst I was walking along the Matilda Bay foreshore whilst our boys rowed with Renay and Andrea. We decided to do a Learn to Row course at UWA Rowing Club. Unfortunately we lost Andrea due to other commitments but Renay and I moved to XXX Club. Rowing might seem like a strange hobby. I mean, why would anyone willingly wake up at the sparrow’s fart and subject themselves to the intense physical strain of rowing? It’s like voluntary torture!

But in all honesty, rowing has helped me so much. When I come off the water I feel alive and ready to tackle the day. I’ve met a great bunch of ladies – we’re called the Pink Ladies and some of the blokes are pretty cool too. On a Friday we typically have a coffee and wax lyrical about rowing and what’s been happening in our lives. A couple of weeks ago I joined Masters Rowing and have won my first-ever medal. In March I coached a crew that included Kylie and Jane and hopefully, I’ve recruited another couple of rowers to our club.


As a busy mum, finding some quiet time to myself is very rare. So, when I do, I love nothing more than curling up with a good book. It's my escape from reality and a chance to indulge my imagination. I’m the sort of person that without a doubt prefers to read the book rather than watch the movie! Shane will attest to me getting lost in a good book! My entire focus is on reading I lose track of time and everything else going on around me. I’m very happy that our XXXX Primary School BookClub has had life breathed into it again.

Finally in wrapping up, how clueless was I thinking 26 is when I would have nailed it! To quote an extract from Rupi Kaur’s poem “Timeless” My 20s were the warm-up for what I’m really about to do! How can I leave before the party’s started? Rehearsals begin at age 40! I ripen with age I do not come with an expiration date. AND now for the main event – curtains up at 50 let’s begin the show!" Dessert table and charcuterieDessert table I had sooo much food - a dessert table a charcuterie table and a 70s party food table with chocolate crackles, honey joys, whizz fizz, musk sticks, Fads (which were called fags when I was a kid). We had gourmet sausage rolls, spinach and ricotta puffs, arancini balls followed by gnocchi and lamb ragu. 70s party food A number of friends, my sister, hubbie and Jacob danced into the wee hours of the morning. It is quite surreal celebrating with your 18 year old son! Well I can say I had the best night - fifty and fabulous - age is just a number after all!

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