Maintaining a Daily Routine During COVID-19

Maintaining a Daily Routine During COVID-19

As we find ourselves in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, it feels like an important time to address routine in our daily lives. Many of us are now working from home or will have kids home from school or child care in the near future. We cannot speculate on how long the social distancing measures will last, so we need to accept that this our way of life for now. Focus on what you can do today. A large part of this blog relates to sleep for you and your baby as this is critical to parents of young children.

The New Reality

In my blogs I have often addressed the importance of routine for baby's sleep. However, here we will discuss the necessity of a daily schedule for the whole family.

The COVID-19 outbreak brings with it many physical and economical challenges but it is equally important that we address psychological impact as well. We all need to do our bit to maintain a calm and controlled atmosphere at home, work or school. It may be that home becomes work and school too very soon and this will place enormous pressure and stress on all family members!

Predictability for Little Ones

My kids thrive on routine, generally speaking a routine helps a child feel safe. Change can be stressful for anyone but a child will begin to learn what is expected of them when they follow a routine.

Babies and young children don’t understand the concept of time so their world is measured by the order of events. In their little minds they’re thinking “so what happens next?". Young children like predictability and will be easier to manage when they already know what's coming.

Baby Sleep Routines

Examples such as giving your child a 10 minute warning before packing up the toys, will give them a cue as to what is going to happen next, although you may need to nag to get them to listen. As adults we don’t like to be harshly interrupted if we're in the middle of reading a book or enjoying a nice meal. It’s the same for your child! Try to fill your child's days with regular activities that you can do at home such as play time, a walk in the pram, reading etc.

Sleep Routine For Babies

A bedtime ritual can be very helpful for babies, young children and even older children like mine, heck it's also helpful for adults! Having a bath or shower, getting dressed for bed and then reading a book is a good start to a bed time routine. You might like to read all about the importance of sleep and a consistent bedtime routine for adults in our blog "Your Health is Your Wealth".

It's never too early to introduce your baby to a bed time routine. We recommend to start your night time routine with a warm bath, then pop baby in their baby sleeping bag or swaddle, then quiet time or read a book and then into bed. It’s like a “countdown” for your baby so they know what to expect after each step. It also means that your baby will learn the routine regardless of whether Mum, Dad, grandparents or a nanny/babysitter put them to bed. Even for daytime naps you can follow the routine (minus the bath). Baby will start to recognise that it’s time to wind down and get ready for a nap. Even if your baby is very little, it will set up their sleep routine as they grow older. For more information read our blog "Bedtime Routine for Baby".

Using A Sleep Cue

Bubbaroo's range of sleepwear can be a very helpful addition to your sleep routine. Our Joey Swag Baby Sleeping Bag, Joey Pouch Swaddle Wrap and Joey Pod Transitional Swaddle can be used to help cue your little one into their sleep routine. When you put them in their Bubbaroo sleepwear, they know that soon it will be time to go into the cot and settle off to sleep. You can use the Bubbaroo range for all sleeps whether day or night. Baby sleeping bags and swaddles are a cue that doesn't have to be replaced during the night like a dummy or a special toy. Which hopefully means less sleep interruptions for you during the night.

Routine For Older Children & Parents

Bedtime routine with Bubbaroo

Having a routine minimises decisions to be made and everyone knows what is expected. Adults really are no different – routine gives us stability and we know what to expect. I know I benefit greatly from routines and I'm going to include sleep, exercise, healthy food and relaxation into my daily routine to help with my general well being during these unprecedented times.


A consistent sleep routine can have enormous benefits for both children and adults by increasing your energy levels, improving mental health and the ability to concentrate at work or school and even every day tasks. I know when I've had a bad night because I've stayed up working or have something on my mind. The next day I have serious brain fog and I start to feel overwhelmed! It's like a vicious circle of lack of sleep, not being efficient and feeling like I'm in a daze.

Try to stick to a consistent daily routine with your sleep. This means rising at the same time each day and trying to go to bed at the same time each night. Your body will love the routine. Avoid watching stressful COVID-19 related news before bed as it will affect the quality of your sleep. Check out the blog Your Health is Your Wealth blog for more tips on sleep.

Exercise As Part Of Your Daily Routine

We all need to find time for exercise. It makes us feel great and sleep better. It has never been more important to schedule regular physical activity into your daily routine. Even in the current environment, you can still take a walk with your kids or your dog. Just be sure to practise social distancing when you do it. If you have older kids you could take a bike ride.

Taking Time to Relax

The Importance of Relaxation in Your Daily Routine

Take the time to relax during each and every day. It will help your stress levels and your mental health. Try to watch TV (not Coronavirus news 24/7), watch a movie as a family, read a book, play a game in the yard, mediate, walk around the block or do yoga. There are plenty of Youtube videos for home workouts, yoga, meditation etc. Enjoying nature is another great relaxer. Go outside at sunset and watch the sunset or drive to the beach (if you live near one). Do whatever makes you happy regularly. We're all busy people, even when we're hauled up in our homes, but making time for yourself will help your mood. It also enhances the way you react with those nearest and dearest to you. Seriously, schedule some time into your daily routine just for you each day.

Keeping Up Your Social Interaction

Our social interactions may be limited, but that doesn't mean we can't still take time to catch up with friends and family. Check in on family, friends and neighbours. Give them a call or face time or Skype them. Keeping in touch is so important.

Meal times

Regular meal times and healthy foods are an important part of any routine. Try to eat at least one meal a day together as a family every day if you are able. For some this might mean dinner, for others breakfast. For busy families or FIFO workers it might be one night during the week or a day on the weekend or when both Mum and Dad are home. Whatever works for you and your family.

You could also try to add some variety to your meals such as eating outside while the weather is still warm, having a picnic in your own yard or on a blanket in your own living room. Keeping a sense of fun and making sure you eat good, nutritious food is so powerful to your family's well being.

Engaging Activities for Younger Kids

Here are some ideas to keep your little ones busy if you are stuck at home:

  • Bring out your artistic side with craft or painting - whatever you have available in the cupboard. Keep lots of scraps from your daily rubbish such as cardboard, magazines, newspapers or milk bottle lids and get your kids to create amazing collages and works of art
  • Give the kids a packet of chalk. Today I saw a wall of bricks with each brick coloured with different chalk. You can always write on your driveway or pavement and wash it off later
  • Try the old favourites of hide and seek, I spy or a treasure hunt list
  • Teach your kids a card game or play a board game with them
  • Get some educational books about letters, numbers etc
  • Cooking is a fun and useful activity that teaches kids a lot of skills including maths!

Fun activities will help everyone to pass the time.

Maintaining A School Routine

At the time of writing, some States have closed their schools while others remain open. It is inevitable that many kids will have to undertake some schooling in the home environment. A good rule of thumb is to structure the day for your children as if they were at school. For example, if the day starts with literacy or mathematics for the younger children then try to knock these two tasks off first. Then as interest wanes later in the day, you can let them read or watch an educational show.

In our house, we are working off a 9am to 3pm routine. We work our snacks around the regular school timetable so morning tea is served at 10.40 and lunch at 12.40. This encourages everyone to come out of their respective work areas to gather for a meal and a break. It also discourages random snacking during times of boredom and the kitchen turning into an all day facility.

Being home together means kids have more time to help with chores. You can explicitly teach them some basic household skills such as washing the dishes or putting on a load of laundry.

Get Started on Your Daily Routine

Planning Your Daily Routine During COVID-19

It is a worrying time for parents and a time of uncertainty for children, so any measures you can put in place for a routine will help to offer some stability for your children.

It might take a little while to get into the swing of things, but it will quickly become the new normal. If your child resists the routine initially, make sure you have a plan in place. You can gently try to ease them back on track. It will require some strength on your part, but should make life easier in the long run - consistency is key. Sometimes easier said than done!

For up to date information on the COVID-19 situation and the impact on your daily routine, you can access the Department of Health website Get in touch with us via social media! We would love to hear how are you managing during the new COVID-19 social distancing measures? Bubaroo Instagram Bubbaroo Facebook

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