At Bubbaroo we understand the first few months of your new baby’s life can be a wonderful but also a very challenging time! In particular getting your baby naturally into a good sleep routine can be easier said than done.
We also recognise the importance of having quality advice and support when you need it and that is why we have teamed up with Katie, Annie and Helen from the Infant Sleep Consultants. They remain a fully independent source of information but are working with us to share their years of expertise when it comes to baby sleep. Each month our newsletter will bring you a blog post from the Infant Sleep Consultants on baby sleep so don’t forget to read and share.
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Here is Infant Sleep Consultant’s third blog post – we hope you find it helpful – please visit our Facebook page to let us know all about your own experiences of managing siblings when a new baby arrives. I remember I caught my toddler son one day trying to get into his new baby sister’s room with toys to “play” with her! Both my kids weren’t good newborn sleepers so this was the one time she was actually asleep!
Managing sleep with Siblings
Many families choose to have more than one child and whilst a new baby is certainly a wonderful addition to your family, there will be a period of adjustment for you all. The advantage you will have is that you have now done this before and can draw on experiences from your firstborn. It can however, be a balancing act trying to meet everyone’s needs and can sometimes leave parents feeling torn and guilty.
During those first few weeks, newborns tend to sleep quite a lot so it can help ease the transition for the older sibling. Setting up an activity for them to do next to you can help whilst you are feeding so they don’t get bored and start acting out. Try to make sure visitors are sensitive and include the big brother/sister whilst they coo over the baby in the moses basket.
Depending on the age gap, toddlers can be spontaneously noisy so when you are trying to settle your baby to sleep, you could use some white noise to help take the edge off the sudden squeals and toys crashing to the floor.
If your child has worked out that the baby is in your room and starts to protest about being in their own room, try to remember that they are looking to you for guidance so reassure them gently but let them know what you want them to do and try to be consistent.
There will certainly be times when both children need you at the same time and whilst this can feel quite stressful in the moment, it is usually a case of working out whose need is greatest at that particular moment.
It really will get easier and you will all settle into family life. In no time at all, your baby will have grown and your children will be firm mates, making their own wonderful memories together.
Find further help and advice at and view our latest products to help aid your baby’s sleep here.