Tips For Staying Well This Flu Season

Tips For Staying Well This Flu Season

2019 - Australia's Worst Flu Season On Record

2020 is a year like no other but did you know that 2019 was Australia's worst flu season on record? According to ABC News 310,000 people presented to hospitals and health services with influenza symptoms. The ABC reported that this figure is seven times greater than Australia's previous 18-year average.

World Health Organisation (WHO) influenza researcher, Ian Barr, said part of the influenza outbreak was "down to higher tourist numbers, more Australians travelling overseas, climate conditions". So with the current border restrictions and lack of travel, Australia should (fingers crossed) stay on top of the spread of influenza.

Add the Corona Virus in 2020

And then we add the Corona Virus in 2020. It could make or break our "regular" flu season this year. If Corona Virus numbers stay low and Australians reduce the possibility of community spread, this could also reduce the spread of the "regular" influenza virus as well. Let's hope that all the efforts of the past few months have really shown Australians how much we can do to prevent the spread of disease. Increased awareness of hygiene, social distancing and staying home when sick will really help Australia make headway in combating influenza in general.

Stop the Spread This Flu Season

The most important lesson we have learned this year is to stay home if you are unwell. This is not a new message from health authorities. But it has taken the devastating effects of the Corona Virus for people to actually heed the call. No-one expects you to be a martyr at the office or school anymore. Everyone would much rather you stay away and minimise the risk. Here are some other tips that can help you stay on top of illness this winter!

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is at the top of our list to fight the flu and it should be at the top of yours too. Bubbaroo is all about good sleep for the whole family. Sleep is generally the number one priority to keep illness and flu at bay! Deep sleep helps the body to repair and strengthens your immune system.

Sleep deprivation on the other hand, can weaken the body's immune system making you more susceptible to colds and flus. Poor quality sleep is closely linked to a higher susceptibility of illness. Make sure your baby is getting the sleep they need and that it is god quality sleep (not catnapping). You might like to read our blog "Bedtime Routine For Baby". It gives you tips to set up good sleep patterns for your child - giving them the gift of good sleep hygiene from an early age. Our Bubbaroo Baby Sleeping Bags and Swaddle Wraps act as a sleep cue for baby and helps baby sleep comfortably all night long without the risk of loose covers and overheating.

For adults, some good sleep hygiene measures might require some changes. Try to avoid screens at bedtime and wind down for some time before bed. Aim for 7 or more hours a night.

Stay Home

Yes we've all heard the phrase #stayhome a million times these last few months. Let's hope the message has sunk in! If you feel sick or display any flu or cold-like symptoms, please stay at home.

Good Hygiene

Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water. If you can't wash, use hand sanitiser to prevent the spread of germs.

Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use a tissue and then dispose of it immediately.

Fuel Your Body

Fuelling your body with healthy and nutrient packed foods will go a long way towards fighting off germs. Making sure your diet contains all the food groups and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables is a good start. Vitamin C is well known for fighting of infection. Garlic, chilli and ginger are also known for boosting immunity. Look for foods high in the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6

Stay Hydrated

This a principle to follow all year round. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, will help your body in a variety of ways. Doctors recommend that we drink up to 8 glasses of fluid a day (preferably water) Fluid can assist to thin out the mucous that builds up in your chest and nose.


This is often pushed to the bottom of the list during the winter months. but moderate exercise can help to boost your immune system. Try walking, swimming, jogging or cycling. Immune system helps with blood flow, and has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help our immune cells regenerate.

Get Vaccinated This Flu Season

If 2020 is not the year to get vaccinated, then I don't know when is! Vaccination is your best protection against the spread of the flu.

Maintain A Cleaning Regime

clean highly used surfaces regularly at work and at home. This helps to get rid of germs. Don't forget to clean bathrooms, door handles, shared pens and desktops, touch screens, phone and other device screens and car keys.

If You Do Get Sick

Try a warm steamy shower to loosen up your chest. You could also try some natural remedies such as epsom salts in your bath, pure essential oils and hydrating, Rest as much as you can. In fact, as soon as you feel some symptoms taking hold, slow down and try to rest. Don't wait until a few days after, start straight away.

See Your Doctor

Be sure to monitor your flu symptoms or those in your child. Babies and children are known to

deteriorate quickly so it is important to seek medical advice if symptoms don't improve. Health Direct advise you to seek urgent medical advice if your baby or young child has any of the following:
  • a rash
  • a stiff neck
  • a fever or high temperature
  • bluish or pale skin
  • is vomiting consistently
  • has a headache
  • is drowsy
  • has lost their appetite and won't take fluids
  • has difficulty breathing or has a persistent cough

Please call Health direct, your GP or go to your nearest Emergency Department if baby's symptoms are deteriorating rapidly.

Staying Well This Flu Season

We really hope that this year increased hygiene and social distancing measure will help prevent the spread of the flu. However, if you do get sick this flu season, please stay home, get plenty of rest and take care of yourself.

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