Cottoning On to the Tricks of the Trade

100%, Pure, Organic, Natural – How to cut through the buzz words

Consumers are bombarded with slogans and buzz words every day as companies compete for attention and to showcase their product or service in the best possible light. Sometimes these claims are substantiated, and sometimes they’re an exaggeration of the reality in order to gain more exposure.

Bubbaroo positions our brand and our products as premium, classic, safe and stylish because we believe these descriptions to be an accurate reflection on the quality of our range and what we offer.  We also use legally protected wording for the materials we use such as 100% cotton (because it is). Our Joey Pouch Swaddling Bag, Bubbaroo Blankies and all Light-weight (0.5TOG) and Medium-weight (1TOG) Joey Swag Sleeping Bags are made only of 100% cotton. We fill our Heavy-weight and Extra Heavy-weight Joey Swag Sleeping Bags with a Polyester filling as it’s proven to be a stable, easily washable and enduring material. We have always ensured our packaging clearly states where synthetics are used and we also line our products inside and out with 100% cotton so only natural fibres are touching the baby’s skin.

We have noticed however, an increase in other misrepresentations in the marketplace. Packaging and websites selling similar product ranges to Bubbaroo stating their materials are Pure, Organic or even that they contain No synthetics. Sadly, this is not always the case. Many products contain elastane to help give stretch in the fabric. Elastane is a synthetic fibre and cannot be produced naturally. It is certainly not organic.

Advertising labels such as Pure and 100% are legally protected and should only be used when this can be proven to be true. However in a world where getting a competitive advantage is paramount, it seems some companies are taking the legal risk regardless.

If a product is made mostly of organic cotton, fantastic! Let it be on your packaging and detailed on the brand’s website so people know, but also make sure they’re aware of the synthetic component so they know what they’re buying. Some truth in advertising is all we’re asking for, and frankly, what we believe consumers deserve.

Competition is important, it drives innovation and makes sure everyone works hard to produce the best and finest products they can to earn the trust and respect of the consumer. I guess this is why it is disappointing to see such misrepresentation, because it’s a deception that undermines the trust and respect we all strive to maintain as a small business.

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