If your little toddler is having sleep issues and waking up at night rest assure that you are not alone! 40% of bubs aged between 1 to 3 years old wake up somewhere between 1 to 4 times a night. As far as toddler sleep training goes, creating plans and routines are the most commonly used way to help bub go down calmly for a good night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation relates sleep to being a primary activity of the brain during early development, so it is very important that your baby starts a regular sleep routine at a young age.
We have suggested below three basic sleep plans for bubs aged 1-3 years old. These sleep plans or routines can be used as a guide to assist you in establishing a routine that works for your family and lifestyle. I know that I feel more in my groove when I’m in my routine. Have you noticed that childcare centres have a definite play, feed and sleep routine? A routine is established to ensure that each child is safe and nurtured, and to minimise the potential for toddler sleep issues. It’s a good idea to ensure that your child has the same routine no matter where they are or who is caring for them, so speak with your childcare centre and babysitter to ensure that the routine remains consistent.
Toddler Sleep Schedule Examples:
Two Naps ( 1 years old ) | One Nap ( 2 years old ) | No Naps ( 3 years old ) |
7.00 – Wake 7.00/7.30 – Breakfast 9.30 – Light Snack 10.00 – Nap One (1hr minimum) 11.30/12.00 – Lunch 2.00 – Nap Two (1hr minimum) 3.30 – Afternoon Snack 5.30 – Dinner 6.30 – Begin bedtime routine 7.00 – Bedtime |
7.00 – Wake 7.00/7.30 – Breakfast 9.00 – Light Snack 11.00 – Lunch 12.00 – Nap (1hr minimum) 3.30 – Afternoon Snack 5.30 – Dinner 6.30 – Begin bedtime routine 7.00 – Bedtime |
7.00 – Wake 7.00/7.30 – Breakfast 9.30 – Light Snack 12.00 – Lunch 1.00 – Quiet Time (45min-1hr) 3.30 – Afternoon Snack 5.30 – Dinner 6.30 – Begin bedtime routine 7.00 – Bedtime |
What should be our Bedtime Routine?
The key to any good toddler sleep training is that the bedtime routine is consistent each night. If you are out of the house, a consistent routine will help baby settle in a not-so familiar environment as it makes your bub feel safe and comfortable. Our recommended bedtime routine is outlined below:
5.30pm – dinner
6.00pm – warm bath
6.20pm – milk drink
6.30pm – brush teeth, change nappy and put bub in their Joey Swag baby sleeping bag
6.45pm – quiet time read a book or tell story
7.00pm – into bed and kiss goodnight
Family sleep is important for the whole family. Click here for 13 tips for getting more sleep including Mum and/or Dad!
How many hours should my baby sleep?
Between the ages of 1-3 years old a bub should be getting 10-12 hours sleep overnight, with a nap or two during the day. This ensures prevention of common toddler sleep issues including oversleeping during the day. Try to keep naps between 1-2 hours, as sometimes when children aren’t sleeping enough during the day they become over-tired and resist going to sleep at night time. If you have a child who does not like to go down for naps that is ok- don’t feel defeated! Just make sure that they are having some down time by reading a book, watching a movie or story time.
Another reason bubs can kick-up a fuss when going down at night time because they’re not getting enough human attention or interaction during the day. Make sure that your toddler sleep training includes some one-on-one attention during the day and they may settle a little quicker at night.
A few tips & tricks:
- Make sure your sleep routine is not too complicated – keep it simple and manageable to your family’s lifestyle
- Ensure the routine is kept consistent everyday even on weekends and holidays
- If your child gets up during the night keep words to a minimum, keep lights dim and tuck them back into bed
- If you say you’re going to stay by your baby don’t leave without telling them what you plan to do.