11 Tips to help you stay mentally healthy

11 Tips to help you stay mentally healthy

Good mental health is about having a sense of well-being, being able to function day-to-day and having confidence and self-esteem. Just like maintaining your physical health which we're all so aware of, there are many things you can do to stay mentally healthy and fit.

We've come up with 11 tips to help you boost your well-being and stay mentally healthy, we all have our moments but I find it's helpful to be reminded and take stock of what I could be doing to help myself rather than hindering and sabotaging myself!

1. Get a good night's sleep and rest.

I know you're thinking to yourself "Yeah right!!! I've got a baby, toddler, child that never sleeps". This is my number one, I know when I've had a bad patch of sleepless nights - I feel like the whole world is going to collapse. Sleep restores both your body and mind leading to better mental health. Sleep is my passion and setting up good sleeping habits from the get-go is what Bubbaroo is all about!

Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine can have enormous benefits by increasing your energy levels, improving mental health and the ability to concentrate at work and even every day tasks. I know when I’ve had a bad night because I’ve stayed up working or have something on my mind. The next day I have serious brain fog and I start to feel overwhelmed! It’s like a vicious circle of lack of sleep, not being efficient and feeling like I’m in a daze. You can read more about bedtime routines for the whole family in a blog I've written.

Creating a structured daily routine can provide a sense of stability for both you and your children. Predictable schedules help reduce stress and chaos, making it easier to manage daily tasks.

Winding Down for Sleep

Go to bed at a regular time each day and practice good sleep hygiene. I've learnt the hard way to put my devices away after a certain time each night. I sometimes find it difficult to initiate sleep, when I have something that's really bothering me. Sleep is a priority for me and when I have nights where I'm just laying there and my mind is travelling to places I don't want it to go to, I listen to a bedtime meditation. I really enjoy this bedtime meditation - the guy's voice is so dreamy.

Make your bedroom your sanctuary - no phones/devices, TV or reading - your bedroom is just for sleep and love making!

Regulating Your Wake Up Time

Get up out of bed at the same time each day - I know this is difficult with a little one but you could start to set the sleep routine for the whole family. 7am is still the get up time for my kids but I usually wake up before 6am. As a result you will find you have better mental health and focus when you wake up at the same time each day.

Resting during the day

Allow yourself some unfocussed time each day to refresh, for example whilst your little one is sleeping or having quiet time you could have a power nap of no more than 20 minutes; meditate; let your mind wander, daydream or simply lay outside and watch nature around you!

2. Take care of yourself.

Be active and eat healthy nutritious food – these help maintain a healthy body. Physical and mental health are so closely linked; it’s easier to feel good about life if your body feels great. You don’t need to join an expensive gym to exercise or pound it out at boot camp – walking, cycling, gardening, cleaning, dancing and swimming are all great. Combine physical activity with a balanced healthy diet to nourish your body and mind this will keep you feeling good, both inside and out. It may also help you get a good night's sleep!

FitRight Women's Health https://fitrightwomenshealth.au/

3. Connect with others.

Develop and maintain strong positive relationships with supportive people that make you feel good about yourself. The quality of our personal relationships has a great effect on our well-being, therefore putting time and effort into building strong relationships can bring great rewards. Better mental health starts with positive interactions. In the same breath try to avoid people that are continually negative, manipulative, put you down or sap the life out of you.

4. Take time to enjoy.

Make time for activities, hobbies and projects you enjoy on a regular basis. Read a book, do a crossword puzzle; knit a scarf or a jumper; cook; take a walk around your local park or along the beach; go hiking; draw pictures with your kids; go on an adventure with your kids; play with your pets – do whatever YOU enjoy.

5. Participate and share interests.

Join a club or group of people who share your interests. It's a great way to meet new friends and participate in something you enjoy. Being part of a group of people with a common interest provides a sense of belonging. Join a Mother's Group, Playgroup, sports club; a band; an exercise group; a dance class; a theatre or choir group; a book club.

6. Give back and contribute to your community.

Volunteer your time for a cause or issue you care about because you will feel good helping others. It could be as simple as helping a neighbour or doing something nice for a family member or friend. Other ideas include volunteering to help out at your kids' school or a charity you're passionate about. There are many great ways to give back and helping others makes you feel good about yourself, it also sets a great example for your kids.

7. Challenge yourself.

Learn a new skill or take on a challenge to meet a goal - it could be as simple as cooking a new recipe or at the other end of the spectrum competing in an Ironman. Another nice thing to do is participate in a charity event such as City to Surf, Oxfam Trail Walk, Ride for Youth or A Walk in the Park for Parkinson's - there are so many to choose from.

Other ideas

Try taking on a new opportunity at work; enrol in a photography course, an art class, cooking class, public speaking class, learn a new language, pilates or yoga - the choices are endless. Learning improves your mental fitness, while striving to meet your own goals builds skills, self-esteem and gives you a sense of progress and achievement. Also bear in mind that it's a challenge so it's not meant to be easy so don't get disheartened - commit and try your hardest. I love participating in various charity events and have participated in a few over the years. My family took part in the Walk in the Park for Parkinson's - a cause very close to my heart.

8. Stress - the power of perception.

New research suggests that embracing stress is more important than reducing stress. Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal says that if people embrace stress it can make them smarter, stronger and happier. Viewing stress more positively encourages people to cope in ways that help them thrive, whether it’s tackling the source of stress, seeking social support or finding meaning in it.

Stress is a part of life and affects people in different ways. Stress only becomes a problem when it makes you feel overwhelmed or distressed. Trying to balance your mindset so that you feel less overwhelmed and hopeless about the fact that your life is stressful.

Kelly McGonigal in her TED Talk "How to make stress your friend" states that chasing meaning in your life is better than trying to avoid discomfort. Go after the thing that brings meaning in your life and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows.

9. Mindfulness.

Take a moment to smell the roses. Simply ‘be’ in the moment – feel your baby's beautiful soft skin, their tiny fingers and toes and notice the air you're breathing. It’s too easy to get caught up thinking about the past or planning for the future instead of experiencing the here and now. Practicing mindfulness, by focusing your attention on being in the moment, is a good way to do this. Making a conscious effort to be aware of your inner and outer world is so important.

When his Holiness the Dalai Lama was asked what surprises him the most he answered:

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

10. Be Grateful.

Rather than focus on the negatives think of all the positives in your life - the glass is half full concept. One thing that we try to do as a family each night at the dinner table is share the one thing we were grateful for today.

Expressing gratitude triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin, which are "feel-good" neurotransmitters. These chemicals promote a sense of happiness, contentment, and overall well-being.

Grateful individuals tend to lean towards healthier coping mechanisms when faced with challenges. Instead of dwelling on negative emotions, they are more likely to seek solutions and maintain a positive outlook.

Gratitude can help you bounce back from setbacks more effectively. By focusing on what's going well, you can build emotional resilience and adaptability, allowing you to better navigate life's ups and downs.

11. Ask for help.

The perfect life does NOT exist, everyone has stress and bumps in the road they must deal with. If you're struggling with day-to-day life then you should seek help, please don't suffer in silence - reach out to someone you trust and ask for help. It could be as simple as asking a friend or family member to babysit while you have some time out. It takes courage to ask for help, but you need to do it for yourself and your family. Speak to your GP or other healthcare professional about where to find a counsellor/psychologist or community mental health service. If you don’t get the help you need please keep asking until you do.

Better mental health starts with you. Below are some organisations you can contact for help:

Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia -

www.panda.org.au or phone 1300 726 306

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 - www.beyondblue.org.au

Act Belong Commit https://www.actbelongcommit.org.au

Community Child Health Nurse - contact via the Health Department in your state

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