Sleep is a high priority for parents with a new baby. Every parent wants their baby to have a beautiful place to sleep but it’s more important to focus on what will help the baby go to sleep easily, rather than what looks good in the nursery. Function should be the top priority.
Sleep experts say that routines and sleep associations are one of the best tools to get your baby to sleep. Your baby’s nursery should make you and the baby feel comfortable and secure. You just need to make sure you have all the elements right to help your baby drift off to sleep easily.
Here are some of the main considerations:
The right lighting can make or break the room. The main lighting should not be too bright – a dimmer switch is a relatively economical addition that gives flexibility to your lighting requirements. A dimmer switch is especially helpful for those late night nappy changes, ensuring baby is not overstimulated and can settle back to sleep quickly.
Window treatments
Practical curtains and blinds are a must for your baby’s nursery. They help to block out light and noise and are especially useful in the daytime when you’re trying to get your baby down for a nap and the sun is shining brightly outside. A block out blind or curtain is a must as you can signal sleep time to your baby by drawing the curtains or blinds. This gives the baby a visual cue that it’s time to go to bed.
The addition of a rug or mat helps to soften noise in the room and add to the feeling of cosiness. As your child grows, it will become a comfortable soft play mat for them to crawl and play on.
Make sure that your baby’s room is a comfortable temperature – adequate heating for a cold room and good ventilation for a warmer room.
By providing a safe and secure sleep space for your baby, you will gain peace of mind knowing that baby can sleep soundly, without danger. Windows, curtain cords, dangling mobiles and heaters should be kept well clear of the cot. The mattress should be firm and bumpers should not be used on the cot. Baby sleeping bags provide a much safer, no tangle environment rather than blankets.
Whilst this should not come before safety, the right colours in a nursery can promote tranquillity for your baby’s sleep. It’s a good idea to choose a soft colour for the walls and decor, rather than primary colours which stimulate baby. The odd pop of colour is fine, for example, toys in a basket on the floor out of baby’s sight from the cot, bassinette or sleep space might be bright and stimulating, but the overall feel of the room should be soothing and calming for baby.
Once you’ve established these top nursery priorities to assist your baby to sleep, you can move on to decorating and storage. Your baby’s room should become a place they spending time in and a few key considerations can enhance the bedtime routine. Many parents recommend the bath, baby sleeping bag, book, bed routine. It’s like a “countdown” for your baby so they know what to expect after each step. It also means that your baby will learn the routine regardless of whether Mum, Dad, grandparents or a nanny/babysitter put them to bed.
Planning your baby’s nursery design will bring you and your baby a beautiful sleep sanctuary for years to come. it will also set the scene for your child’s sleep routine for life!