Table of Contents
Preparing for the arrival of your new baby is an exciting time. The cot is the main place your baby should sleep so make sure you take the time to research how to set it up properly and safely.
When preparing a cot for baby, you should always follow Red Nose guidelines. Red Nose is Australia's leading authority on safe sleep. They also offer advice on safe a pregnancy and bereavement support for families affected by the death of a child. Always keep baby's safety foremost in your mind, no matter how tired you may be!
Bubbaroo puts safety first. Our sleeping products are designed to help baby sleep in the most comfortable way, with minimal bedding hazards. Baby should always be comfortably warm and not too hot.
Follow Australian Standards
Always look for the Australian Standard labelling when you purchase a cot. A regular cot must comply with Australian Standard 2172:2003 and a portable cot must comply with Australian Standard 2195:2009. Never place baby in a cot or portable cot that does not definitely meet the current Australian safety standard.
There is also a voluntary standard that manufacturers can follow regarding Sleep Surfaces - Test for Firmness. This standard is AS8811.1:2013 which can give you extra peace of mind about your baby's sleep surface.
Preparing a Cot for Baby
The safest place for a baby to sleep is in their own cot in the parents' room. It is imperative that you remove all potential dangers from baby's environment.
Here are some guidelines when preparing your cot and putting baby to sleep:
What To Do
- Buy a cot that meets the Australian Standard AS2172:2003.
- Make sure the mattress is firm and clean and fits the cot well. The mattress should not be elevated or tilted.
- Sleep baby on their back (this is one of the key recommendations that has largely contributed to an 85 per cent reduction in SIDS deaths since the 1990s).
- Sleep baby with head and face uncovered
- Position baby's feet at the bottom of the cot and tuck baby's blanket (if using *) into the end of the cot
- Better still, use a safe baby sleeping bag such as a Joey Swag Baby Sleeping Bag or a Joey Pouch or Joey Pod Swaddle Wrap.
- *it is not recommended to use loose blankets once your baby starts to roll. These can present a hazard and we recommend that baby moves from swaddling to a safe baby sleeping bag to prevent entrapment in a loose blanket.
What Not To Do
- Never hang mobiles above the cot
- Make sure the cot is not too close to curtain cords or electrical cords
- Don't use pillows, doonas, lamb's wool liners or quilts.
- Avoid cot bumpers and toys in the cot
- Do not use water beds or bean bags.
Other Tips for Health & Safety
You can also improve safety for your baby by breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of SIDS by 50 per cent. It is understandable that some parents cannot, or choose not, to breastfeed. Each family must make decisions according to their own situation.
Keep baby smoke free both before and after birth to reduce the risk of SUDI.
Keep It Simple
Bubbaroo offers beautiful sheets and baby sleeping bags to help your baby sleep safely at night. Yes that's all you need - a well fitting sheet and a baby sleeping bag. No need to fill the cot with unnecessary and unsafe accessories. Shop now at For more tips on setting up your baby's cot, go to Red Nose. If you would like to read more about setting up baby's nursery in general, read our blog Baby Nursery Design for Setting Up Safe Sleep.